Dominik  ...  


Hello! I'm Dominik Culjak, web designer and developer with a flair for creativity and an eye for detail. Graduating with Master's degree in Graphic Engineering and Design, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and design finesse to every project. My design journey began when i was 10 designing banners for games, images and creating something that can be implied in profile, like myspace, omerta etc. With big passion for design, volleyball and gaming, my horizons were expanded in high school, where i got awards, in every field. In university we learned branding design, brochure design, 3d design, and web design and development. After few years of experience in freelancing site like 99designs, elance, upwork, freelancer, ive concluded that i like to create sites from scratch, jut like this one.

While finishing my masters, i had an exam in front-end subject, which led me to keep learning about front-end development, and later to choose my Master thesis in this subject, I've found challenging learning css/javascript, but that was what keep me motivated, to feel dumb, challenged and curious how things work behind the curtains on Internet world. Sometimes i feel hopeless when i cannot find solution, and want to give up, and stop learning it, or developing sites, but when i find solution i feel happy and eager to learn more. It's the love and hate relationship that keeps me going on in development field., while design field is much easier and you can always find somewhere inspiration, the development needs time to think or rethink options that you have, and road that you taken trying to develop something. While you've red this, you could easily spent time looking at my portfolio so it justifies my work.
